When faced with life's challenges,
it is Important to Remember
that although Daniel was saved from the lions,
he was not saved from the Lion's Den.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Writer's Workshop - Ten Lessons From My Children

Joining up this week with Mama Kat for another day of the Thursday Writer's Workshop.  I hope to see you there!

This Week's Prompts

1.) Write a short story prompted by your favorite song.
2.) write a proposal for a kids' show you could actually stand to watch.
3.) An awkward moment.
4.) 10 Lessons your child could teach you.
5.) The perfect hiding spot.

I chose to write about the 10 lessons my child could teach me. However, I think it is important to note, that not only can they teach me, they continue to teach me each and every day.  So here is a list of the ten most important things that I think my children have taught me.

10 – Tenacity- They teach me how to hang on when things don’t work out quite the way you want them to. As I watch them grow and struggle with their own unique set of problems, I am continually amazed at their abilities to hold on through the trials of the day. Every day. I am amazed at what they go through, and how they cope

9 - Hope – They teach me about the ability to start each new day with renewed hope, knowing that, somehow, it will all work out and be better.

8 – Strength – They teach me about using their own inner strength to keep trying even when it seems as if the entire world is against you. Finding the reserves within themselves to keep going, again and again, whatever is necessary to finish their task and endure.

7 – Compassion – They teach me about the ability to care for everyone, no matter what they look like. If they are hurt, it only takes a bandaid and a kiss to make everything better. And everyone deserves a bandaid.

6 – Wonder – They teach me to look at everything. They show me how to look at the world each day with new eyes and to see the beauty and wonder of everything around me. Even bugs are a marvel to be enjoyed and studied. (Although, I will admit, that a spider is never something I find to enjoy).

5 – Kindness – Oh the joy of children, If I could only have their ability to smile at everyone and strike up a conversation in the strangest places. Their ability to make new friends, and share pieces of kindness with those around them.

4 – Acceptance – I love their ability to really live the law of “this too shall pass”. To know that whatever happens today, will not necessarily be the same tomorrow. To be able to accept the bad that happens and know that it will end. To go to school today, even if yesterday was a horrible, awful, no good, very bad day.

3- Joy – the ability to find true joy in the moment. To feel happiness at the simplest things. To sing, to dance, to play and to love. All simple things that bring a moment of joy to my heart, and a smile to my lips. Joy doesn't have to cost any money, or only happen during the "important" moments. Joy can happen anywhere, at any place, and any time. We only have to be willing to see it and participate in the moment.

2 - Faith - My children continually teach me about faith. Their willingness to turn their troubles over to a loving Heavenly Father. Their faith that He is really there and that He does answer their prayers. My sweet young ladies who get up without complaint. Every. Single. Morning. To sit as a family, together on the couch and read from the scriptures. They look forward to the time and all take turns reading. It is a treasure in my heart to see them hunger for the Spirit in their lives.

1 - Love - I breathe it in, and hold it tight. I am filled with the giving of Love from my children. My life has been a continual procession of that sweet, wonderful, seemingly all-encompassing feeling. Squishy hugs and sticky kisses remain forever sealed in my heart and in the treasure chest of my mind, to be pulled out time and time again as I reflect and remember each and every one.

Time really flies, the years pass, but I am continually amazed at how love still endures and fills my life.
Not only in the eyes of my children, but in the eyes of my grand-children. The circle continues as time keeps marching on.


  1. This is just so beautiful. I love how you remind us that joy is not just found in "important' moments. And I can completely relate to how you still have the memories of their little kid hugs and kisses so firmly held in your memory even years later. Some things I think you never forget.

  2. Beautiful. :) Kids are amazing teachers.

  3. I love this line: "Love - I breathe it in, and hold it tight." Amidst the chaos of 3 monkeys, I wonder if I don't do that enough?
